Be happy with yourself, they say
But what is happiness?
For some it’s easy every day
But others are a mess

What makes us happy? Who can tell?
We’re different, you see?
The thing that works for you so well
It doesn’t work for me

I’m happy when I care for you
Support you, make you smile
I’m best when I am there for you
And make life worth your while

I’m happy when I fuck you good
Or hold you tenderly
When I’m the best man that I could
That’s when I’m really me

When I surprise you with a gift
With flowers or a ring
When I make sure you are a queen
That’s when I am a king

When I can help you chase your dreams
And be your favorite you
No matter how damn hard it seems
I’ll do what I can do

I’m happy when we share this life
In darkness, rain or heat
When you’re my best friend and my wife
That’s when I am complete

Without this I am just a ghost
My worst self, on my own
So how the fuck am I supposed
To do this shit alone?

Sexually Explicit Content!