If you don’t want us to drift apart
Then I guess love is a decent start
But love is only a puzzle piece
And I have loved other eyes than these
Communication is always key
If you are trying to live with me
And our dreams, they must simply match
If they do not, that’s a deadly catch
As for your humor and mind at large
Don’t try to fool me, to fake or barge
I’m not elitist, but I am smart
Better be honest right from the start
I love to cuddle, to kiss for real
I love to tell you just how I feel
I want to see you, and share a place
But when I’m angry, I need my space
I can feel awful when all is well
I have to trust that your heart can tell
That it’s a sickness, an endless curse
But that without you it would be worse
If you can do this, if we agree
If you are sure what you want is me
Than stand beside me and hold my hand
Because the world needs to understand


Sexually Explicit Content!