The first 25 pages
I just finished designing the 25th page for my book. That makes one quarter of the whole thing. Sure, I’ll probably still make some minor changes. Maybe even one or two major ones. Nothing’s set in stone yet – but for the time being, I consider those 25 pages to be completed.
I still have a couple of pictures that I haven’t used yet. I’m mostly keeping the landscape photographs and abstract stuff till the end because it’s much easier to find a matching poem for them. So there are more trees and skies and oceans to come. I’m quite amazed by the amount of drawings I’ve received. Truly beautiful!
The number of official supporters (who’ve sent me images as well as a correctly filled-out usage agreement) is a little over 40 at this point. I plan to get it up to 50. That’s a great turnout! So don’t be shy – you can still join in. 🙂
What I would love to get my hands on are some nude photographs and more explicit portrayals of genitals. I’ve seen so many great drawings and photos online, but somehow I mostly end up with the tamer variety. 😉
I’m writing this blog post to show you what the first 25 pages are (most likely) going to look like. It’s an amazing variety for sure! This might also be the last preview I’ll show you, because where would be the fun in letting you see everything in advance?
This project is taking a lot of time and energy, but I am confident it’s gonna be worth it. I mean, just look at these pages? I’m truly proud of what we’re achieving here.