Prince & Cowgirl

At some point in 2018 I was reading a lot of cartoons on Instagram and finally felt like creating a little something myself. There was no real idea behind it and I didn’t know what I was doing. Was it supposed to be funny? No, not necessarily. Cute? Probably. Thought provoking? That might be a stretch. 

Anyway, from late 2018 to early 2019, I drew a couple of episodes of this little thing called “Prince and Cowgirl”. I lost interest after a while with basically one more idea hidden somewhere in a drawer (a.k.a. on a pile of papers on my desk).  Would be a shame not to upload those cartoons, so here we are:

Prince & Cowgirl #1:

Prince & Cowgirl #2:

Prince & Cowgirl #3:

Prince & Cowgirl #4:

Prince & Cowgirl #5:

Prince & Cowgirl #6:

Prince & Cowgirl #7 Concept:

Okay, I can’t actually find the sketch right now (I might add it later) but it was something like this: 


Prince and Cowgirl are on the playground. Cowgirl gets hit by a football. 


Cowgirl is angry. She turns around and screams “YOU…”

Prince interrupts her in panic: “We’re not allowed to say bad words!”


Cowgirl considers this for a moment. 


Cowgirl continues screaming angrily: “…CABBAGE!!”

Sexually Explicit Content!